Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
четверг, 04 июля 2013
Your Result: Tico Torres
You are Tico Torres! You aren't the center of attention, but don't care. You don't really want to be anyway! You are involved with various projects. You love your job and take it very seriously. You are old and wise.
Jon Bon Jovi
David Bryan
Richie Sambora
You are Jon Bon Jovi! You are the frontman! You are the center of attention, but you are not vein or conceited. You are determined and tenacious. You worked hard to get where you are now. You want to be famous. Although you love your job, you love family more, and would give up your dreams in a heartbeat for the people you love. You are the kind of person others could have an educational talk with, and at the same time, be immature with!
Result Breakdown:
91% Jon Bon Jovi
77% David Bryan
57% Tico Torres
34% Richie Sambora